5th HLF – Lecture Leslie Lamport
[1hr Talk] Intro to Large Language Models
Aaron Schlesinger&39;s Personal Site
Autolab Autograding for All
Basic memory allocators explained in 10 minutes
Better Benchmarks Through Graphs - Marc&39;s Blog
C0 VSCode Language Support - Visual Studio Marketplace
Claiming, auto and otherwise · baby steps
Classic HCI demos
Compiler Development Rust or OCaml
Controlling Queue Delay - ACM Queue
cps in hoot — wingolog
CRDTs go brrr
CS 15-122 Principles of Imperative Computation (Spring 2023)
CTAN Package annotate-equations
div style="max-width 480px;"What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Workdiv
Dynamic Programming versus Memoization
Getting Started with Category Theory - Ryan Brewer
Guide for Lab Authors - Autolab Documentation
How fast is bit packing
Interactive Theorem Proving, Guest Lecture - Introduction to Agda, by Jeremy Siek
Introduction to Software Construction
Jepsen Datomic Pro 1.0.7075
Let futures be futures
Maybe Everything Is a Coroutine - Adam Nelson
Metastable failures in the wild
Mix-testing revealing a new class of compiler bugs
More thoughts on claiming · baby steps
My binary vector search is better than your FP32 vectors
newca12awesome-rust-formalized-reasoning An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification
Open Data Structures
Pinned places
Post 1 Datalog, Chain-Forward Computation, and Relational Algebra
Quickly identifying a sequence of digits in a string of characters
References are like jumps
Review Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems Queueing Theory in Action
The plan-execute pattern
The sad state of property-based testing libraries
The Solid-State Register Allocator
Tree-Structured Concurrency
Vector databases (3) Not all indexes are created equal
Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - rules
21 ordered
[Haskell&39;23] The Evolution of Effects
A refinement type by any other name weaselhat
Compiling Swift generics, Part I - Development Compiler - Swift Forums
Context Sensitive Subtyping
Down and Dirty with Semantic Set-theoretic Types (a tutorial) v0.4
Elegant and performant recursion in Rust
graydon2 Some notes on Rust, mutable aliasing and formal verification
How To Prove It With Lean
Hyperproperties and why they&39;re hard
I&39;m betting on Call-by-Push-Value
Introduction - Counterexamples in Type Systems
Kell14in author version
Laurence Tratt Compiled and Interpreted Languages Two Ways of Saying Tomato
Linear Types One-Pager
Oxidizing OCaml Locality
Pattern Types ⊆ Refinement Types - HackMD
Polarized Subtyping CodeArtifact
Proc macro support in rust-analyzer for nightly rustc versions
Programming with Refinement Types
Race Conditions Can Be Useful for Parallelism
Scones, Logical Relations, and Parametricity The n-Category Café
Semantic Subtyping in Luau - Roblox Blog
Semantic Subtyping in Luau
Template for CMU SCS PhD thesis (2006)
The algebra (and calculus!) of algebraic data types
The Better Parts. Douglas Crockford. JS Fest 2018
The borrow checker within · baby steps
The Flix Programming Language
Two little interpreters
Universal domain types
What is logical relations
What is realizability
A calculus with recursive types, record concatenation and subtyping
A refinement type by any other name
A tale of intersection types
Call-by-push-value_ A subsuming paradigm
Contextual refinement types
Hybrid intersection types for PCF (extended version)
Inheritance is subtyping
Intersection and union types_ Syntax and semantics
Intersection types and computational effects
Monadic intersection types, relationally
Operations on records
Polarized Subtyping
Practical refinement-type checking
Programming with union, intersection, and negation types
Refinement kinds_ type-safe programming with practical type-level computation
Refinement types and computational duality
Refinement types for haskell
Semantics of types for mutable state
Sequent calculi for induction and infinite descent
Step-indexed syntactic logical relations for recursive and quantified types
Structural refinement types
The duality of classical intersection and union types
Tree automata techniques and applications
Type refinements in an open world (extended abstract)
Type systems
Types are not sets
Research and Reading
Thesis Proposal - Polarized Subtyping
Aaron Schlesinger&39;s Personal Site
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