The Bitter Lesson

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Author(s):: unknown

In computer chess, the methods that defeated the world champion,
Kasparov, in 1997, were based on massive, deep search. At the time,
this was looked upon with dismay by the majority of computer-chess
researchers who had pursued methods that leveraged human understanding
of the special structure of chess. When a simpler, search-based
approach with special hardware and software proved vastly more
effective, these human-knowledge-based chess researchers were not good
losers. They said that ``brute force" search may have won this time,
but it was not a general strategy, and anyway it was not how people
played chess. These researchers wanted methods based on human input to
win and were disappointed when they did not.

Topics:: #podcast #ai #research

date_saved:: 2024-09-11 14:12:47
date_published:: 2019-03-12 20:00:00